Moving forward

Well, after some time trying to get a few things in order, we are officially moving forward agaqin on our wedding planning.

Here’s the scoop/lowdown/updated plans so far;

We have the chapel and gym at church reserved for November 19th, 2011.  The wedding will obviously be in the chapel, with the reception down the hall in the gym.  We’re still looking at an early afternoon wedding, 1:30 pm to be more exact. 

We’ve decided to take our honeymoon the following week (Nov 27th through Dec 2nd).  I’ve still got a surprise or two in the works for Dani for the night of our wedding.  But no, I won’t be telling anyone about it here.  🙂  I think she actually reads this page.

In planning for our living together, we’ve been taking trips ot IKEA (great store if you have ever been there), and we’ve selected a lot of nice furniture and home decorations for our pending apartment.  Perhaps we’ll get some pictures posted later.

Anyway, that’s all I have for now.  Hopefully more later.

Updating pages

Well, it’s been awhile since we’ve updated these pages, so we’re trying to get back into it. Keep a look out for some of the latest wedding plans and life updates.


had a good surprise from my loving fiance.  She met me after karate at my place.  Not only did she do the dishes and clean the counters, but she prepped us an awesome smelling white chicken chili  for dinner.  Very tasty.  Seriously, how can I not love this woman?

Welcome to our site

Danielle and I are happy to bring you our first blogging site.  We don’t have a lot here at the moment, but hopefully, as we build our life together, we’ll have more to share with you.

Fow now, here’s a quick link to our official Wedding Website, from