A little home improvement

So, we recently (okay, a few months ago) had a small problem of a busted pipe in a wall.  The result; a moldy closet that needed cleaning out.  WP_000250And I do mean cleaning.


So, we had a company come in and help us clean the closet.  Okay, they actually did all the cleaning, I just mainly let them in the house and watched while they worked.


Once the wall was done and the crawlspace was clean (stang, no pictures), it was time to finally put the wall back up.  My brother in Christ Kevin Naas came over after helping me get the drywall boards from Lowe’s.

WP_000355That’s Kevin in the side of the picture, and that’s the first board to be going into place.  Measure, cut, re-measure because the studs aren’t exactly right (okay, they’re way wrong!) and soon the closet looked like this.                                       WP_000356

A little bit of taping……  WP_000357  

WP_000359followed by some mudding,


and the closet looks pretty done.  Well, sorta.  That was day one.  Day two included mounting our new pantry shelves.  After dusting myself by sanding down the mud in a confined space (note to self, mud dust will tend to float into the office and coat EVERYTHING), it was time to mount the rails.

WP_000364              WP_000365

Then the shelves….  WP_000368

WP_000369I discovered that it was a lot easier to put the support arms on the shelves on the floor, then mount the whole thing.  Eventually, it the closet looks like this; WP_000370



Project, done.